Sunday, January 6, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 24

Today was another great day. I was so surprised this morning when I woke up and relized I had slept for 11 hours straight without waking up. What a wonderful rest I received! It is so very rare for me to be able to sleep for that many hours straight. The healing effects of this juice feast are profound and amaze me on a daily basis.

I felt a bit groggy from all the sleep, but well rested. I also was a bit more congested today although I felt good. I got out and took a long walk in the Colorado sunshine with the extra energy.

I have been doing some sprouting lately and I had a batch of alfalfa sprouts and mung bean sprouts ready today. I added them to my green drinks today. They make the green drinks taste pretty earthy so I added a bit of lemon juice to offset the flavor. I know how healthy they are though, so I started another batch today of broccoli, mung, and alfalfa sprouts to add to my drinks throughout the next week.

So what are some of the benefits of alfalfa sprouts?
A great deal of nutrients are available when a seed sprouts as the sprout must have enough energy and nutrients to transform it from the seed into a baby plant that can then feed itself and be self sufficient. This means that when sprouting occurs the plant is at its nutritional peak. Many believe that weight for weight, sprouts have the highest nutritional content of any food type. Sprouts contain both vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. As an example, Alfafa sprouts contain iron, magnesium, all 8 of the essential amino-acids, chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin D, and more.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 pint - pineapple, blueberry (oh, this is so gooooood)
3 quarts - spinach, lettuce, kale, celery, apple, alfalfa sprouts, mung bean sprouts, lemon
1 quart - melon juice
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

45 min walking

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