Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 41

I got alittle busy this last week and ran behind getting my posts published.

The juice feasting is progressing very well. Almost half way throught the program and still feeling just wonderful. Every day my energy has been steady and strong, and my mind has been clear. I'm getting more done than I have in months. I am certainly seeing that you don't have to take time off from work to do this. In fact, you will probably get more done that you have in months! Thats what I call a winning solution for regaining vibrant health and vitality!
I was back in the gym this morning and found that my body seems to be gaining strength again. I am not tiring from my workouts and feel almost no recovery time needed after workouts. Thats impressive while I'm only consuming juices.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - pineapple juice
3 quarts - spinach, lettuce, chard, celery, apple, pear
2 quarts - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Marine Phytoplankton, Spirulina, B-12, Liver Rescue, Glutathione, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

15 min. biking, weight training

Total Weight Loss:
16 pounds

Monday, January 14, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 32

Two more people joined the juice feasting crowd in my community today. We are all buying produce by the case and splitting it to save costs. What fun this is getting to be.

I'm really enjoying the forums, blogs, and top notch information soooo much. What a blessing to have this information at our fingertips.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 pint - grapefruit
2 quarts - spinach, celery, lettuce, kale, apple
1 quart - orange, 1T coconut oil
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Liver Rescue, Glutathione, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 31

A day of rest and relaxation. Took a nice long walk in the Colorado sunshine, watched a movie and just took it easy. NICE.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - pineapple, orange
2 quarts - spinach, lettuce, kale, celery, zucchini, apple
1 quart - tangerine
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Liver Rescue, Glutathione, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

45 min. walking

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 30

DAY 30!
I am 1/3 of the way thru my juice feasting program. This is going so fast! I feel like things are progressing very well. The days are just clicking on by.

The thing that seems to make this juice feasting so easy is the routine. Once you get the routine down and get past the first couple of weeks of detox, things really seem to really smooth out. Bowel movements have also slowed down to a 2-3 per day average. You get used to the taste of the greens, you find new creative delicious ways to combine juices, and you start to feel wonderful and alive again. Just couldn't be more pleased! :-)

Total Weight Loss for Month One - 12 Pounds

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - tangerine juice (this is my celebration drink for the day)
3 quarts - spinach, mixed greens, kale, zucchini, celery, apple, lemon
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Marine Phytoplankton, Liver Rescue, B-12, Chlorella, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

15 min. biking, weight training

Friday, January 11, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 29

Another great day today! What one word best describes today? HAPPY!!! Lots of energy, feeling happy, satisfied, renewed, and alert. I can see why some of the juice feasters have NOT wanted to break their fast when they get to the end of the 92 days. This feels sooooooo good! This is truly how we were meant to feel.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - grapefruit, orange, tangerine
2 1/2 quarts - spinach, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, celery, tomato, ginger, cayenne, lemon, flax seed oil
1 quart - gaia melon
2 quarts - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Kelp, Liver Rescue, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 28

Had an average day today overall, but seemed to be healing something in my back because it ached all day long. Not sure what that was all about. Feeling the need for some extra sleep again. Not having the experience of needing less yet. I think that must be due to all the years of sleep depravation in the past.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - grapefruit, orange, cilantro, flax seed oil
2 quarts - spinach, arugala, kale, celery, mint, apple
1 quart - young coconut water/milk
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Marine Phytoplankton, B-12, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 27

Feeling very good today with an underlying feeling of excitement. The excitement really isn't attached to anything in particular, it's just there. My heart is full of renewed hope again. It is like a cloud is lifting from my life. All I can say is . . . awesome! I'm loving it.

I worked out at the gym today and was thinking about this little concoction I make, and take before I go each time. It gives me alot of energy without being weighed down with slow digestion. It always helps give me a great workout.

After I drink my quart of water, MSM, and lemon I take:

1 tablespoon of bee pollen
1 scoop of royal jelly
1 dropper full of marine phytoplankton with some water

Marine Phytoplankton is such a great superfood and is the food eaten in mass by whales in the ocean. I use Oceans Alive brand. It contains almost everything necessary to sustain life and build healthy new cells

Some of the benefits people have reported from using Marine Phytoplankton are:
* A surge of calming energy which lasts throughout the day
* Ability to fall sleep easily and sleep restfully all night long
* Shedding excess weight and fat with less effort
* Awakening refreshed and ready to enjoy the new day
* Helps regulate blood sugar naturally
* Strengthening of the body’s self-healing powers and easier digestion
* Eyesight improvement and increased strength
* Skin appears more vibrant and younger
* A calming of the mind and body, enhancing the practice of meditation
* A desire to smile more often, thus improving relationships with everyone
* Speeds the recovery from illness and disease
* Heartburn disappears aches and pains decrease
* Memory improvement
* Instant trace mineral gratification with 92 macro and trace minerals
* Enhanced brain function, behavior and learning
* Immune boosting
* Antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial
* Helps defend against radiation
* Deep purging & detoxification effects
* Powerful anti-inflammatory & antioxidant qualities
* Improves circulation & heart function
* Allergy & asthma relief
* Essential fatty acids - Omega 3, 6, 7, 9

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 pint - tangerine (incredible)
3 quarts - spinach, lettuce, kale, celery, cucumber, tomato, lemon, cayenne
1 quart - pineapple
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Marine Phytoplankton, Kelp, Vitamineral Green, B-12, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

15 min biking, weight training

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 26

Woke feeling alert and energized today . . . AGAIN!

I am so glad to be doing the juice feasting. It is just what I needed.

I have really come to love taking the bee pollen during the feast. It is so satisfying. It also really seems to boost my energy for the day so I take it in the mornings. I was doing some more reading on bee pollen and was so impressed that I thought I would share some of the findings: f

All essential amino acids, minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, iron and zinc, some trace minerals, all B vitamins, including B-12 [one of the few vegeterian sources of B-12], Folic Acid, Panthothenic Acid, Rutin, Lecithin, RNA, DNA and enzymes. It also contains anti-oxidants, including flavanoids, beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E, and Lycopene. Research has shown that bee pollen contains a substance which inhibits the development of numerous harmful bacteria, including E. Coli.

Clincial studies have shown that bee pollen has a regulatory effect on intestinal function, relieving even the most stubborn constipation. Studies also show that bee pollen is high enzymes and co-enzymes. Enzymes are necessary in the body for digestive and immune functions. The enzymes present in bee pollen are especially important for a balanced chemical metabolism. This balancing or regulating function may be the key factor in bee pollen's ability to assist in weight regulation.

Bee pollen is approximately 25% complete protein containing at least 18 amino acids, more than 12 vitamins, 28 minerals, 11 enzymes and co-enzymes, 14 beneficial fatty acids, and 11 carbohydrates. Bee pollen is low in calories at 90 calories per oz. (approx. 2 tsps.). It contains Lecithin which helps dissolve and flush fat out of the body, which in turn lowers low density lipoproteins (LDL) and raises high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Bee pollen stimulates metabolism and curbs the appetite due to its Phenylalanine content [one of the essential amino acids]. It is also a powerful antioxidant (one of the highest) and has a high polyphenol content -- a super bioflavinoid.

Today's Juices:

1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - spinach, celery, tomato, cilantro, jalapeno, lemon, cayenne
1 quart - tomato, cilantro, lemon, cayenne
1 quart - carrot, beet, apple, ginger
1 pint - carrot, beent, apple, ginger
1 pint - young coconut water
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, B-12, Kelp, Marine Phytoplankton, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

Monday, January 7, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 25

Still feeling very good today. Was looking at my hands today and noticed the liver spots are fading and some have dissapeared. What a surprise. That's good news since my liver is an area I have been wanting to cleanse on a deeper level.

Some other observations:
1. Noticing my emotions are much more stable. Not as much up and down.

2. My hair and skin have become soft and silky.

3. Bowel movements are still twice a day in spite of the fact I am drinking only strained juices.

4. My old shoulder injury is no longer hurting and I have great flexibility.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - tangerine juice (what a treat)
3 quarts - romaine lettuce, kale, celery, cucumber, apple
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 24

Today was another great day. I was so surprised this morning when I woke up and relized I had slept for 11 hours straight without waking up. What a wonderful rest I received! It is so very rare for me to be able to sleep for that many hours straight. The healing effects of this juice feast are profound and amaze me on a daily basis.

I felt a bit groggy from all the sleep, but well rested. I also was a bit more congested today although I felt good. I got out and took a long walk in the Colorado sunshine with the extra energy.

I have been doing some sprouting lately and I had a batch of alfalfa sprouts and mung bean sprouts ready today. I added them to my green drinks today. They make the green drinks taste pretty earthy so I added a bit of lemon juice to offset the flavor. I know how healthy they are though, so I started another batch today of broccoli, mung, and alfalfa sprouts to add to my drinks throughout the next week.

So what are some of the benefits of alfalfa sprouts?
A great deal of nutrients are available when a seed sprouts as the sprout must have enough energy and nutrients to transform it from the seed into a baby plant that can then feed itself and be self sufficient. This means that when sprouting occurs the plant is at its nutritional peak. Many believe that weight for weight, sprouts have the highest nutritional content of any food type. Sprouts contain both vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. As an example, Alfafa sprouts contain iron, magnesium, all 8 of the essential amino-acids, chlorophyll, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin D, and more.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 pint - pineapple, blueberry (oh, this is so gooooood)
3 quarts - spinach, lettuce, kale, celery, apple, alfalfa sprouts, mung bean sprouts, lemon
1 quart - melon juice
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

45 min walking

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 23

Wow . . . that's all I can say is "Wow". I can't even begin to explain how great I feel today. It's really true that when you hit around day 21 of the juice feast a transformation takes place and you start to feel so good. The body is cleaned out to a great degree and you begin to really feel alive again in a most wonderful way. This is fascinating to me because I have already been raw for 3 1/2 years and was feeling very good already. I didn't relize it could be this much better.

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - grapefruit, tangerine, orange, lemon
3 quarts - tomato, spinach, lettuce, celery, lime, lemon, onion, garlic, jalepeno, cilantro (spicy)
1 quart - pineapple, blueberry
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Flax Seed Oil, Vitalzyme, Enzymes, Marine Phytoplankton, Kelp

Biking, Weight Training

Friday, January 4, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 22

Today I had massive amounts of energy and felt like I glowed from the inside out. Don't know that anyone else would have noticed, but it felt like that from the inside. I got so much done today.

Three more friends of mine are getting ready to jump on the bandwagon and start juice feasting. This will be so much fun, and it will be great support. I'm really feeling pretty jazzed about the juicing today.

Today's Juices:

1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - grapefruit, tangerine, orange (one of my favorites)
3 quarts - spinach, kale, celery, cucumber, apple
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, B-12, Marine Phytoplankton, Vitalzyme, Enzymes

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 21

I woke up a bit tired this morning but in a short time and felt very, very good. I have noticed a big change in how I have been feeling in the last few days. A new strength is emerging . . . a growing confidence. It feels good . . . like a breath of fresh air.

I found myself actually craving my green drinks today. My body is speaking louder now. It is beginning to be even more specific about what it wants, what it needs, and what it desires. It is great to feel so in tune with myself again. I feel alive.

Today was food delivery day. Boxes of fresh, organic fruits and vegies. It is really paying off to buy the produce by the case from Growers Organics. The produce is organic, fresher, and much less expensive this way. A couple of us are splitting the cases for juice feasting. Seems the biggest problem is refrigerator space. I need another frig!!

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 quart - spinach, cucumber, celery, apple
1 quart - carrot, ginger, beet
1 quart - spinach, cucumber, celery, apple
1 quart - grapefruit, orange
1 quart - water

Bee Pollen, MSM, Marine Phytoplankton, Vitalzyme, Enzymes, B-12

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Juice Feasting - Day 20

Wow! I can hardly believe it has been 20 days already! Every day that goes by is leaving me feeling better and better.

The physical detox symptoms I was experiencing last week have completely cleared up. I seem to past the initial major detox period. (I hope) I am still detoxing emotions however. I have been alittle on edge lately and finding myself in a stage where anger flares up quickly. My understanding/reading tells me when we are detoxing the liver these emotions can come up. Well, OK then, I guess I'll just have to put up with it . . . but will everyone else be able to????

I do notice when I am feeling on edge that I also crave oil on those days. Any connection?

Today's Juices:
1 quart - water, MSM, lemon
1 pint - Pineapple, Cranberry Juice
1 quart - Cantaloupe Juice
2 quarts - Tomato, Celery, Lettuce, Lemon, and Jalapeno Juice (nice change with some heat)
1 pint - pomegranate (Yum!)
1 quart - water

The tomato juice was a great treat! I will have to use this creation again.

Vitalzym, Enzymes, B-12, Hemp Oil, Marine Phytoplankton, Bee Pollen